If you’ve been bitten by a dog, you are well-aware of how unexpected and savage the attack can be and the immediate impact of what is frequently a sudden, shocking act of violence.
There are nearly 5 million dog bite injuries in the U.S. annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and plastic surgeons estimate that dog bites send someone into serious reconstructive surgery every 20 minutes. Unfortunately, many of them are children with injuries to the face, and many of them cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of the attack.
Dog bites can result in permanent disfigurement and scarring and nerve and tissue damage. Wounds inflicted are often to the hands, arms and legs when the victim is an adult.
A Lawyer Committed To Helping You After An Injury
Dogs represent the best of human-animal bonding; however, when a dog attacks, the damage is primitive.
At the Law Offices of C.W. Blaylock, I can help you begin to address those injuries from the standpoint of the law. I help my clients with insurance matters, deal with the other parties involved and help them gain compensation for medical expenses, long-term care, increased living costs, counseling, and pain and suffering. Call me at 310-773-3311 or contact me online to learn more in a free consultation.
California Is A Strict Liability State
The state of California’s dog bite statute imposes strict liability for any injury inflicted by a dog, whether it is the first time the dog has bitten or whether it’s been trained to fight, whether a service dog or a family pet. No accusations of wrongdoing need be made when the biter is the pet of a friend or neighbor.
Municipal codes in Los Angeles define “vicious” and “dangerous” dogs, as do other municipalities, and require special care be taken by the owner, including the use of a substantial leash. The circumstances of any particular injury case dictate how it might proceed. Leash laws and a dog’s disposition and history may be relevant to the litigation of a dog bite case.
Compensation for damages inflicted by an animal’s aggression is collected from the owner’s insurance policy. Attorney’s fees are recovered only when we are able to assert your case successfully.
Free Consultation To Discuss Your Case
The law clearly states that the owner of a dog that bites is responsible for the damage done. Call the Law Offices of C.W. Blaylock, where I can help you assert your right to recover damages, at 310-773-3311 or contact me online.