We all love dogs. Well, most of us anyways. There is scientific evidence that supports that dogs are great mental health companions. Socially, they are important to a lot of dog owners' lives. Despite all of the love, dogs can also cause harm to individuals. Indeed,...
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Year: 2014
‘Constructive Possession’ in Drug Possession Crimes
Both federal and state governments are changing the way drug crimes are prosecuted. Sentencing guidelines that require strict prison terms are being discarded for more court discretion. States are also implementing drug courts, or diversion programs, that allow...
Proposition 213 in Motor Vehicle Accidents
A number of our blog posts have touched upon the subject of prospective clients being injured by the actions of an uninsured motorist. This post will talk about individuals who are uninsured, that happen to get injured by an insured party in a motor vehicle accident....
Utilizing a Penal Code section 1538, Motion to Suppress, in a DUI Case
Not all criminal cases go to trial. In fact, more often than not, a criminal case will be disposed of prior to a trial. Plea deals are common because they can be beneficial for both the defendant and the People. But, there are also circumstances when a case can be...
Primary and Secondary Insurance in an Automobile Accident
The world of California insurance is based on contract law, California statute, and insurance regulations. There are many overlaps, some of which can lead to confusion. Insurance disputes can cause a person to become disoriented -- because there is potentially a lot...
California Posed to Reform Criminal Justice
Come November, California voters will get the opportunity to vote yes on Proposition 47. The proposed legislation would be beneficial for everyone -- residents, defendants, and inmates. As a criminal defense lawyer, I get to see everyday how our criminal justice...
The Elements of Negligence
There are a number of different ways to get injured, unfortunately. People may slip, or a person may be involved in a motor vehicle accident with someone else. Others may even fall from a shoddy building. Injured persons all share a common possible cause of action:...
Will the Natural and Probable Consequences Doctine be Rejected in California?
A majority of murder, and other violent crimes, in California are gang related. Indeed, most of the post-conviction work that I have taken part in involves allegations of gang affiliation. Due to the nature of such crimes -- multiple individuals and lack of physical...
I Was Involved In a Motor Vehicle Accident; Now What?
Motor vehicle accidents are common in Los Angeles. In fact, it brings to mind the Saturday Night Live skit, "The Californians." All too often, Angelinos communicate about their commutes, experiences on the road, and traffic. Also, people talk about their unfortunate...
Civil Compromise in a Theft Case
Allegations of theft usually take place at large retail stores like Target, Sears, and Walmart. These establishments have their own security protocols in place, including but not limited to: guards, cameras, detectors, and other devices. These steps prevent...